
Friday, 9 November 2018

6 Ways to Bring Your Development Team Together with Technology

Are you looking for better ways of bringing the team together? Would you benefit from an arsenal of tools that facilitate team working, while boosting productivity and creativity?

Project managers in development teams have to be leaders of balance, progress, decision, and business need.


Maybe you need to consider the workplace of the future: the potential for virtual teams to collaborate in new ways using interactive technologies.

If you're developing software and applications for the web and touchscreen devices, you need the cutting-edge of interactive technologies to help you communicate, test, display, and tweak your work in ways that push creative possibilities.

Read on for 6 ways to incorporate interactive technology into your development team.

The Needs of the Software Development Team

Software is only ever as good as its user interface. Web technologies are inherently interactive, so it makes absolute sense that the tools that you use to develop them have interactivity built into their core.

1. Interactive displays

The web is a visual medium. Sure, it's made up of billions and billions of words, but - at its core - successful web apps have user-interactivity at their heart.

But when you're working as a team to develop applications that might look good on a mobile phone screen, you can't cram everyone around a single 10-inch screen.

Interactive displays deliver 4K definition, with an interactive touchscreen that replicates the mobile experience.

They add tactility to the development process; offering fingertip control during every stage of the design, testing, and implementation processes.

Interactive displays offer teams the ability to work collaboratively, using a central portal: designing and developing individual elements of an app in unison, while individual workstations connect wirelessly to a primary display.

2. Communication Hubs

Email has become a stalwart of communication within organisations.

But does it suit your mode of operation?

Most of us multi-task - there are few of us who have the privilege of working on just one project at a time. And if you're receiving emails from all angles, it can be almost impossible to track individual workstreams.

There's an ever-growing collection of virtual messaging services that can help keep each workstream separate and more manageable.

These are our favourite messaging services:

  • Slack is a messenger service that allows you to compartmentalise conversations into channels; giving you message threads, rather than a sporadic trail of emails. Slack integrates natively with Dropbox, Google Drive, Trello, Google Calendar, Google+ Hangouts, MS OneDrive and many other useful services that make work more efficient and collaboration more natural.
  • Microsoft Teamsintegrates with Office 365 and specialises in bringing large teams together. Consolidating video messaging, email, document creation suites, and project monitoring applications, MS Teams offers one central platform so that everyone can see what each other is doing. Projects become viewable from a single portal, facilitating transparent tracking of objectives and milestones. In combination with interactive displays, MS Teams really does come to life: bringing genuine and reliable flexibility to the workplace.

3. File Sharing

In web development teams, you're working with large amounts of data.

The post 6 Ways to Bring Your Development Team Together with Technology appeared first on SitePoint.

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